Our schools recognise the importance of oracy and that communication empowers our children and opens doors to opportunity.
It is our mission to equip every child with the tools that they need for future careers and to lead full, rewarding lives. By elevating oracy and thinking skills, we are granting all pupils the power to communicate effectively and confidently to a range of audiences. Proposed plans to make oracy a core part of England’s education system only reinforces our resolve to continue this journey.
Many of our pupils start school life with under-developed oracy skills and some have limited opportunities to take part in vocabulary-rich discussion, when compared to other areas. Our schools plan to end this disparity through a focus on spoken language, listening skills and philosophy. Our children are encouraged to explore ideas through discussion; they respectfully challenge each other’s opinions and develop their own reasoned arguments.
Through the ‘talk promises’ and ‘talk prompts’ already embedded in our provision, we work towards children talking in phrases / words, as well as in full sentences, in a clear and confident voice. Oracy and philosophy are part of our ethos and are woven through our curriculum. We believe that being able to collaborate with others, and having the ability to speak eloquently, to articulate ideas and to confidently express one’s views are vital life skills.
From effective questioning to facilitating constructive peer discussions, teachers use talk to develop and encourage deeper understanding, higher order thinking and metacognition. Staff informally assess the children’s progress against a Speaking and Listening Assessment - ensuring all pupils can develop the appropriate skills and vocabulary expected of them.
We provide feedback, we build in opportunities for peer review and for self-evaluation; enabling children to develop and hone their skills. Our vision for the future, along with measures already put into place, mean that we are leading the way in this exciting mission to elevate oracy to the equal of any other curriculum area.
Executive Head Teacher
Christ Church CE, Lark Hill and Lewis Street Primary Schools